Get Paid to Write About Colleges and Universities

You can earn money with us! We founded the Listicle of Schools Blog on the written efforts of readers like you. People who had zero experience writing decided to create a list and send it in-and now they’re earning cash.

What we’ll pay you: You will earn $50 for your listicle. If you can write well enough to communicate like a native speaker, have a good sense of humor, and want to assist people in making decisions about higher education, then this is the job for you!

How this works: It’s simple, you write your list of at least ten items and send it in. We’ll either reply saying that we loved it and will publish it along with giving you $50 by PayPal, or we’ll say, unfortunately, it isn’t the sort of thing our readers will love, so try again. Remember that your list should be insightful and contain at least two paragraphs per list item.

By submitting your list to us, we will automatically enter you to win a spot on the front page of List of Schools, where it will be read by thousands of people every month when we launch!

Note: At this time, we can only accept lists from writers who have a PayPal account.

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